The things that make me uncomfortable, are the things that make me, me! 🤷

Hayley Dow
2 min readApr 13, 2023

Today I sat down with a brew (naturally) and my notebook and scribbled a list of all the things that make me uncomfortable (in no particular order)… All the things in the past that I’ve been made to feel are negatives about myself.


Well, I guess to reaffirm that belief in who I am. So here we go. A little round-up of just some of the things that make me feel all eurgh.

🫠 Self-Reflection
🫣 Vulnerability
😶 People looking at me for too long when I’m talking
😶‍🌫️ Large groups and loud personalities. I’m shy. Deal with it.
😔 Lack of empathy
🥱 Forced fun and forced conversation
🧐 Talking about myself
🙃 Tony Robbins. Soz, mate.
😆 Not knowing where the toilets and exits are. Introverts need to know how to get out of situations quick time.
😴 Socialising past 8pm. I like my routine, what can I say.
😩 Babies! Unless it’s a baby duck.
☕ When your teabag breaks when you squeeze it
🎳 The walk back after your turn bowling
🧦 When your socks don’t fit quite right
🌟 Lenticular holograms

So for anyone who has been made to feel as though their quirks are negatives.
They’re not.
They’re bloody fantastic!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash



Hayley Dow

Lover of pizza, puppies and bikes. Peeling post it notes off my brain one at a time.