A Letter I Wrote a Year Ago

Hayley Dow
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

This dropped into my inbox last week. A letter. One I wrote a year ago, to myself, scheduled to be delivered a year later. It just needs some sunscreen added and we have a new Baz Luhrmann hit on our hands. Although, let’s shout out Mary Schmich for the original.

Dear “FutureMe”,

Don’t forget to stay humble. Tread lightly, but make your mark.
I hope that you have been living your life without regret, without doubt and making the most of the days you have left.

Keep being brave. Keep being honest, and please, please, please continue to be truly you. You will not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s okay. Some people like coffee.

I hope that you have found a job that you love. That you have made a house a home. That Scout is loving his life with his own garden. I hope that you are surrounded by beautiful countryside, in a place that provides you with so much joy and freedom.

The next year, 3 years, 5 years will be the next step for you. Grab this time and use it wisely. Have adventures and see the world, make memories and live each day to the fullest. There are 24 hours in the day. 8 for sleep, 8 for work and 8 for play.

Follow your path. It’s okay to go a little off-piste, but be sure to enjoy the journey.

Write yourself your own letter at futureme.org

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels



Hayley Dow

Lover of pizza, puppies and bikes. Peeling post it notes off my brain one at a time.